Transcription : Starting a new series tonight and each week for the next few weeks, we’re going to select one of main objections, one of the main problems, one of the main troubles that people in our culture have with Christianity and look at it and tonight the objection, the trouble people have with Christianity we’re going to be looking at can be summed up in one word, it’s the word exclusivity and it’s not a problem that people only have with Christianity but other religions too and the problem is “how can you possibly claim that you religion is the only true religion, that you have the one truth.” This is a matter of enormous concern right now, I mean we’re really at the peak of this. 40 years ago, if you’d ask people what is the main barrier to peace in the world, they probably would have said political ideology because that was the Cold War you know, Communism, Capitalism, even 30 years ago, maybe even 20 years ago but today I think most people would say that the main barrier for...
"Without the Gospel Everything is Useless and Vain" - John Calvin